Sunday 29 January 2012

Well its probably best to start off with an introduction, I am a 3D game artist,  often referred to as Frap on many game art forums most notably over at Http:// where I assist in the daily running of the site. I took up 3d art after years of making freeware games with my brother usually in dark basic or blitz and many can still be found on the net though I am unsure how they will run if at all on a modern PC. I got into the art side of things as we couldn't find anyone to produce stuff for us starting with simple sprites at first. A friend showed me 3DS Max and I was hooked immediately. My first efforts where really bad space ships that looked really blocky at best but I was so proud of them I insisted we wrote a games for them.

I am currently working with the Pixel Bullies on a new i-pad game which I hope to be sharing some details on this Blog as time goes on. We have some Derby game students helping on this project so it will be interesting to see what they can do as the art gets made.

I have just finished a personal project done purely for fun, despite working on race cars and super cars in my day job I have never made a model of a car so over Christmas due to the really poor television I decided to break this duck and produced a Porsche 962 game model.

I get a little fed up of seeing really shiny polished cars in peoples portfolios so I had to make this look like it had done a 24hr race with dirt, oil stains and a patch of race tape. I was pleasantly surprised when the lead vehicle modeller from Simbin requested that I sent a copy of the model to him for review, as yet I haven't heard back from him.

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